JavaScript provides several built-in data structures. Each has its unique characteristics and use cases. Let’s dive into the most commonly used ones:
1. Arrays
Arrays are one of the most basic and widely used data structures in JavaScript. They are used to store a collection of elements, such as numbers, strings, or objects. The main advantages of arrays are their simplicity and ease of access. However, the performance can degrade with large datasets or frequent insertions/deletions at the beginning or middle of the array.
- Example:
- Use Cases: Arrays are ideal for storing ordered collections like lists, sequences, and collections of similar objects.
2. Objects
JavaScript objects are used to store keyed collections of properties and methods. They are highly flexible and can be used to represent complex data structures. Unlike arrays, objects do not maintain order and are accessed via keys.
- Example:
- Use Cases: Objects are suitable for storing properties with names, such as configuration settings, mappings, and more complex data structures.
3. Sets
A Set is a collection of unique values. Sets are useful when you need to store unique items and avoid duplicates. They provide a convenient way to store and manage unique data.
- Example:
- Use Cases: Sets are ideal for applications like managing a list of unique items, checking for duplicates, and performing set operations like union, intersection, and difference.
4. Maps
Maps are similar to objects but allow any type of key (unlike objects, which use strings as keys). This makes them more versatile when you need to use non-string keys.
- Example:
- Use Cases: Maps are useful for scenarios where you need quick lookups, dynamic data handling, or need to store data with non-string keys.
5. Linked Lists
JavaScript does not provide a built-in linked list data structure. However, it’s possible to create one using objects or classes. A linked list consists of nodes, where each node contains data and a reference to the next node.
- Use Case: Linked lists are useful for implementing data structures like stacks, queues, and graphs, where the order of elements is important.