Religion & Theory Assignment Help
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- Essays on American Religious Studies look at relevant religious history in the United States, beginning from the first colonial families in the 1600’s. American history topics include role of immigrants and social classes on religious experience and secularization.
- Buddhism is often seen as more than a religion and a philosophy or way of life; it promotes morality, awareness, wisdom, and understanding. Essays relevant to Buddhism involve Buddhist ethics, values and moral, history of Buddhism and social influences on other religions and regions.
- Comparative Religion involves the comparative studies of the principles and practices of the world’s religions. This includes looking at both spiritual and divine foundations for religions, themes, myths (i.e. creation myths), rituals, symbols and concepts, philosophies, ethical systems, and histories.
- Essays on Islam are concerned with the monotheistic religion based on the Quran and characterized by a set of specific rituals. It is centred on the doctrine of submission to Oneness of God. Islam revolves around its five pillars which include prayers, pilgrimage, fasting, zakat and Oneness of God (Allah).
- Papers on Middle Eastern Studies are interested in specialized knowledge and broad understanding of the Middle East, the region that includes the Arab states, Iran, Israel, and Turkey. Topics on Middle eastern studies revolve around the political and social climates, the study of history, culture, politics, economics and geography of the Middle East.
- Western Religions are those that originated within Western culture, and are thus distinct from Eastern religions (usually originating in Asia) or various indigenous faiths. The writers focus on the comparison and contrast of western religions with that of monotheistic religions mainly Judaism, Islam and Christianity and how they are historically, culturally, and theologically different from the Eastern religions.